CattleIn the Fields

What A Difference A Week Has Made

It could be because of the more temperate weather, or Knuckles finally getting those joints stretched out enough, but the calf is doing great out in the nursery field.

Knuckles no longer walks around on his ankles and his left side that was obviously the weaker of the two has straightened enough so that he can walk and cavort with ease without dropping his hoof under. He still has little calluses on each ankle where he did spend much of his time with his toes curled under, but he is firm on his footing now. He has made good friends Tophill the calf that was born just after him. The two love to run circles around the field and have great fun chasing after the dogs while we are feeding.

Yesterday when Butler was busy nosing around the field, Knuckles decided to get close. It was too close for comfort for Butler and the dog made a little gruff noise. Knuckles took off running but came back moments later with Tophill in tow, the two were on the lookout for the dog. The calves won this round when Butler saw that Knuckles had brought backup to the fray.