Beyond the FarmBeyond the FieldsConservation and StewardshipIn the Woods

A House Divided

Now that all the celebrating is out of the way, it is time to get back to planning and execution of the next big event, or rather make that plural, the next events. Coming up are the Washington County Small Woodlands Native Plant Sale and The Columbia County Small Woodlands Bare Root Plant Sale. Both events are open for the public and both events are on the exact same day. This coincidence happens nearly every year since March is the perfect time to get those plants into the ground and established before everything comes out of dormancy.

Since many hands make small work, both Associations are asking for volunteers to make the programs work. We belong to both Associations so our household splits the tasks by sending some helpers to Washington County (being held in North Plains) and some to Columbia County (being held in St. Helens). For those of you who are interested in purchasing some of the plants offered, or are just looking for a day to visit with those who are passionate about the habitat each one of us can create from a postage stamp sized plot to thousands of acres this is the day to schedule into your calendar. The great part is both County events are close enough for a person to be able to see both Associations in action!

An email came out recently to remind us of the upcoming in North Plains:

Dear WCSWA members and their friends,  Two hearts
What did one native plant say to the other?
“Didn’t I meet you at WCSWA’s Native Plant and Tree Sale?”
That didn’t really happen, but if native plants could talk, they’d be excited about our 20th annual native plant and tree sale.  Quality plants.  Good selection. Good prices.  Good people to meet.

This for the Washington County for volunteers (and we use friends, family and even non-members to volunteer),

Nursery delivery details are yet to be established, so volunteer shifts may vary from the below, but we need to get a basic volunteer list in place.  Many hands make light work. So…please respond to indicate how and whenYOU can help put on this historic 20th annual sale.
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Set-up party. Daytime preparation and plant tagging at the warehouse. 30780 NW Highland Court, North Plains OR  97123.  In years past, we did this entire task on Friday.  Now, since we have access to the new location warehouse even prior to Friday, we may do some plant tagging etc. earlier.  At any rate, if you’d like to help to set up while enjoying coffee, please indicate that and we’ll be in touch!
2 snack people
About 10 set up people, from 8 or 9 a.m. until about 1 p.m.
About 8 people for 2 p.m. until finished
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Saturday, March 12.  Sale is 9-3 p.m.
2 snack people
2-3 people to bring a wagon to roll purchases to cars
Cashier and helper
About 10 people for the 8:30-noon shift
About 8-10 people for the noon-closing shift
At least 4-6 people to cleanup after the 3 pm closing time.  It won’t take long.
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Substitutes—Several people we can call on if someone can’t make their shift
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Surprize purchaser!  We’re also looking for several people willing to buy about $20 worth of unsold plants, at the close of the sale.  This helps us to avoid the restocking fee if we have to return plants to the nursery. So, if you’re willing to be surprised, that’s a big help.
More information for the CCSWA (Columbia County Small Woodland) will be the next story coming your way.