CattleIn the Fields

Unplanned Sharing

The calves in the nursery field are at that really fun age where the older ones are teaching the younger ones the rules of the field.

During feeding time, the calves will run circles around the rest of the herd and around the Gator as we throw slabs of hay out for eating. Some of the calves will be running while others are putting their heads down and fighting with the slabs while still others are finding the hay is a soft, dry spot to plop down for a rest.

The cows are not disturbed by the twitchy action going on around them and are busy eating with gusto amidst the chaos. Between wild cavorting spurts, the  younger calves are learning to nibble  while the hay is available just like the elders.

On this day, the bale had a good amount of clover in it so when a calf would grab a bite, long strings of clover came along with it. A younger calf noticed the delicious dangling and stuck her head right in to sneak a bite just inches from the mouth of the first calf. It was so much easier than having to put her head a foot lower to get her own mouthful from the slab on the ground.

calves eating hayThe two shared a good meal before heading off for some running action on the other side of the herd.

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