CattleIn the Fields

Curious-er and Curious-er

I’m reminded about Pooh Bear and his adventures when out in the nursery field at feeding time.

Once a day, usually in the evening, we try to give the young herd sire a little grain to go with his hay meal in an effort to keep him strong and vigorously growing while he is attending his new herd. It is a two-person venture to keep the cows from stealing the delicious grain that they remember well from their time being pampered in the show barn. While watching the big cows, the calves come over to see what is going on.

calves in fieldThe young calves are curious about why we stop the Gator in the middle of the field and are guarding the herd sire, so they come up to investigate. The poor dogs are torn between watching the Gator for critters trying to steal bites of hay that still need to be fed at the outdoor feeders for the remaining main herd, and helping keep the young calves from encroaching around Mike and I without barking or harassing them (a big rule for the dogs that would just love to chase a baby around during a full field game of tag).

The calves inch closer and closer while there are several standing together for courage, individually they will chose to munch on slabs of hay that are doled out and in clumps around the Gator and us. Their bravery comes from the strength in numbers.

During this time of cautious sniffing, I spend quality time talking to the young calves and getting the opportunity to touch one every once and a while. There are only a few moments of this quality time. They are very skittery around us and move onto other adventures quickly like fighting with each other, head butting slabs of hay, eating or bedding down in the sweet smelling hay.

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2 thoughts on “Curious-er and Curious-er

  • Bonnie Shumaker

    The picture looks like a plot is forming. You’d better watch out.

    • I so enjoy this time of year!

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