CattleIn the BarnIn the Fields

Troublesome Youth

Mugshot of 2 month old KAOS

In the spring I had talked about a sweet little calf named KAOS that went through his terrible two-month old stage (and older) of picking on newborns in the main herd. He had become quite a nuisance and would keep knocking the babies down while they were trying to learn to stand. The mother cows were not happy with KAOS, and we were not pleased either since we had to stand guard over new calves to keep him from messing with them.

As KAOS grew he began to get the other bull calves involved in the harassment. He was like a gang leader and I told Mike to sell him even though I knew we couldn’t until he was old enough to wean. We did get him weaned and out to the bull pen with the other youngsters his age  and his wayward youth seems to have tempered, his demeanor is well-behaved and calm.  The contemptuous youth stage appears to be all in his past.

yearling bullsTwo weeks ago, our first bull buyer of the season came out to the farm. We had seven young yearling bulls available and the buyer really liked the looks of  all the bulls.

KAOS is now nine months old and a beautiful, strong teenager. He was just what the bull buyer was looking for, KAOS is still a little immature to be a sire for a large herd so the buyer will hold off a month or two before putting him in with some of his females. Mike delivered KAOS to his new farm toward Rainier, about  50 miles from the farm.

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One thought on “Troublesome Youth

  • Bonnie Shumaker

    Happy ending for Kaos. I was picturing him as veal cutlets for awhile.

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