CattleIn the BarnIn the Fields

Wider Than He Is Tall

Humans tend to have growth spurts that show off those gangling swinging arms, heads that don’t seem attached to geeky necks, odd gaits when trying to walk, or other goofy traits. Critters go through those same kinds of spurts.

Our young bull calf #57 that I have been pampering out in the show barn is right there in the middle of a growth spurt. He is at that weaning age, akin to early teen in human years. He has filled out in the body because of all the fruit added to his diet over the last few months. His head is big enough that he now locks into the head gates (stanchions) in the barn. His winter hair is coming in thick and he looks a little like a beatnik (beat nick) in a straggly kind of way. And then there are his ears, on my gosh his ears look huge on his head, and add all that hair growth, he appears as wide as he is tall.

Seeing #57 every day for feedings, I had not noticed his transformation. It wasn’t until he was standing outside along the electric fence that I noticed his changes. The little calf is growing up.

This growth spurt has reminded me that it is time to wean this guy and we will be putting in the green weaner soon to begin the process.

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2 thoughts on “Wider Than He Is Tall

  • Bonnie H Shumaker

    Love the comparison to teenagers and the Dumbo ears on #57. Probably the worst in terms of how they look growing up however is chickens. Only a mother could love those gangly, half-feathered critters.

    • admin

      You nailed it! I’m going to have to use that in the future.

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