In the BarnIn the Woods

Finding Just The Right Spot

The firewood orders have been ramping up, so has the rainy days. The rain has hampered our ability to get dry wood into the barn where we can continue to bundle as we are nearly out of that huge stack of dry wood I had just a couple of months ago.

The landing still has quite a bit of wood that is already cured but is now soaked on the outside. As we cut the 16 inch pieces we split and stack them into the cribs so that we can tractor them over to the garage where we have fans and a dehumidifier running to dry out a couple of cribs at a time.

dog resting half way up stacked balesEven the cutting and splitting is taking extra time because we move the cut wood a Gator-load at a time to the barn where we have the splitter set up to avoid our getting soaked in the process.

The dogs don’t venture out of the barn very often during the day because of the mud all around and the falling rain. Jackson, the wild one, likes to find a high perch in order to watch us work while he naps. He has been climbing the bales and finds a good place to rest more than 10 feet (8 stacked bales) above the cement floor. From his perch we can hear him snoring now and again when we turn the splitter off.  He peeks over the top of the tractor and the Big Red Beast to watch us.

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2 thoughts on “Finding Just The Right Spot

  • Bonnie H Shumaker

    Jackson knows how to take the phrase “it’s a dog’s life” to a “high” level

    • admin


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