In the Fields

Weekend Project

using auger on back of tractorThe fenceline and gate between the small field behind the house and the left side of the bull pen has been in sad shape for a couple of years. It has been function-able up until now, but only because over the years we had reinforced the old cedar posts with metal t-posts between sagging wires, more wires and knots of baling twine. We had electric wire strung along on each side of the fence, hooked to plastic or ceramic insulators to keep it from arcing out against the old line.

Finally the gate had been temporarily fixed so many times that it no longer held solid and the reality of having the gate fail when the bulls were on that side of the bull pen became a looming possibility.

The weekend project had us using the auger attached to the tractor. I had a brief hope that we were going to replace the whole fenceline, but our time was limited and so only fixing the gate was on the schedule for this project. It was a good thing that we used the auger to dig the hole for the large anchor post because we have a good layer of rock about six inches below the soil that we had to break through. Using a shovel would have made for very hard digging and it would have taken much more than a couple of days just to complete one hole.

new gate installedTaa Daa. I have a beautiful gate! And I’m just going to look the other way for a while and will not pay attention to the rest of the fence that needs to be replaced…

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