In the BarnIn the Garden

Two Cats In A Tree

two cats in a treeThe Siamese-looking tom cat, Me, as I call him since his distinctive meow is more like a call to get attention, has been hanging around the garden lately. He stalks around all the beds, he hovers around the compost pile, he climbs the trees. Me has been obvious in his attempt to remind me that I haven’t gotten the fruit trees pruned yet.

I had begun in January in bits and pieces, trimming here and there but never with real determination. I was planning on really getting down to business as the calendar rolled to February, but that is when the weather forecasts called for the coldest snap we have had all winter and I held off. Then I was waiting for the snow-apocalypse event that had us scrambling with firewood bundles day and night. And then we were snowed in and busy with just trying to keep the daily chores done with the slow and cumbersome tractor.

Now that February is past the half-way point and heading toward March rapidly, the cats are even pointing to the needs of the trees. And he is not alone, for wherever Me goes, Shadow is not far behind.

I was able to grab some pictures of Me in the tree as Shadow was skulking around the base. Before long, Shadow climbed up to be on the same limb as Me. The tree they chose is a small plum tree. The growth from the last year makes the limbs a jungle-y growth of prickly barbs that is barely strong enough to hold one cat. When Shadow joins and since he feels the need to be as close as possible to Me. The two cats bend and sway in the breeze as they try to canoodle in the canopy.

I really should get out there and get some of those branches cleaned up before the winter is over an dormant season ends.

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2 thoughts on “Two Cats In A Tree

  • Bonnie Shumaker

    Maybe they like it as it is – no need to hold on with their claws, the branches themselves keep the cats from falling off. Dormant spray for the fruit trees is what has been on my list for when the weather and mood coincide.

  • Bonnie Shumaker

    Maybe they like it as it is – no need to hold on with their claws, the branches themselves keep the cats from falling off. Dormant spray for the fruit trees is what has been on my list for when the weather and mood coincide.

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