CattleIn the Fields

Twins Update

cow with twins in barnThe twins that were born on St. Patrick’s Day are growing like weeds. ByGosh (the heifer) and ByGolly (the bull, soon to be steer) are getting along with the nature of life.

During the evening times we lock ByGosh, ByGolly and their mother #8 into the smaller pen of the barnyard where they have full access to the barn with a manger full of hay. At morning feeding time, we open up the gate so the trio can go out into the side yard along the barn.

The twins take turns zipping around the larger area of the side yard before dashing back into the smaller barn yard and into the barn itself, only to make a loop and come back out to the larger grazing area. #8 is a good mother, has an ample milk supply and does not hesitate to keep both of her kids under control when they get too rambunctious.

The twins have learned valuable lessons about electric fences and do not stray outside the boundaries. They play together but are not yet in sync or bonded as closely as we would like before letting the trio out into the nursery field. By forming the close bond, the twins would be more likely to get the same amount of nutrition, sleep and be able to fend off the bigger calves who want to be bullies to the smaller twins.

We would like to see the twins nap at the same time, eat at the same time and bed down for naps together no matter how big the field. They are still at the stage where they flop out in the grass when they are tired and may not even be in the same yard as each other. We will hold them in these smaller training fields until the bond is strong. In the meantime, #8 keeps staring over the fence at the cows and calves in the nursery field, she is ready to be moved while we are still a little hesitant.

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