In the Woods

The Walk Looks Different

A walk through the woods looks very different from when the logging operation started. Slowly, the areas that were so damaged with the helter-skelter broken trees tangled with each other are getting cleaned out.
A logger looking over a cut area.It is at this point where we spendĀ  much of our time looking up, judging the health and thinned spacing of each tree that is left standing. Groupings of trees assist each other to remain standing and if we thin the trees too much the wind we experience at the top of this ridge would flatten them all.
By looking up from the areas that needed cleared out, we can see damage that was hidden earlier by the thick canopy, and we have also found a couple of spots where there has been evidence of root rot (the disease that can spread from tree to tree through the roots).
Our logging crew has been exceptional in their quest to get our forest back to a more healthy state. They walk the areas each day before and after work, they take time to address our issues and ask questions so intentions are clear.