In the BarnIn the Woods

Speaking Of The Slippery Slope

Remember back toward the first of the month when Mike did his seat of the pants mud sledding, first facing the correct way then after getting un-tree-d by me, slid further down the hill backward? Oh the muddy mess he was but we did get Knuckles the calf safely down the hill and into the barn with his mother.

I finally got all the mud gooped clothes washed and when dressing the other day, Mike noticed a tear by the rear pocket, he must have snagged a broken branch on his slippery slide although I could not tell if he was from facing forward or backward when it happened. At first he thought a small tear would not be a big deal but as soon as he tried to bend when he had them on, the tiny tear ripped right down the seam of the pocket and well below where it would be proper or warm enough to continue to be a viable pair of pants (for those of you who love to see really outlandish foibles and em-barr-assing {pun} photos, you are going to miss out on this one. I was laughing too hard anyway to be able to get a picture at all.

Even though he did not want to, he now is breaking in a new pair of pants. We are hoping not to relive our sledding experience in the near future and I am hoping that this new pair will last a good long time.