
Ripe Raspberries

With the end of the strawberry crop, the focus is now on the raspberries. At first it was just one or two getting ripe at a time. Now, every 3 days we are able to pick a quart or two at a time.

Aside from eating them fresh by the handfuls, we are enjoying them in the evening over ice cream and have been freezing a few for winter. If I get a cooler day this coming week and when not busy in the hay field, a raspberry cobbler will be bubbling away in the oven (I am hoping this will entice a hay-bucker or two to not only stop for a visit, but to hang for a bit and throw a few bales around for a fruity desert reward).

PS This is just a side note, but as I look out my dining room window this morning, I see a suspicious looking spot in the lawn. A new mole is beginning to work in the grass. This slow-motion invasion must be the off-spring of the monster mole that was caught during the winter.

Current score, moles 4- Mike 3. Stay tuned for further mole adventures.