In the BarnIn the Woods

Premium Storage

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Now onto the story…

A stack of split cherry wood

We has been busy filling all the cribs with dry, cut, split fir for the firewood project. All eight of them are safely stored inside one of the three barns and now we will get the farm truck loaded with the five extra cord  of dry fir we will need as the weather turns colder and the firewood orders pick up.Nearly two months ago when we started dragging the full length logs of cherry off the hill in an effort to clean up the tangle at the fence line, I had cut a couple of cord so it could start the drying and curing process.

With the weather taking a decidedly autumn turn, I hurriedly hauled and stacked the premium wood onto flat pallets in the show barn.  The wood is considered premium because cherry is a harder wood than the fir and the Co-Op gets a higher price for hardwoods like ash, cherry, oak and maple. This wood has to be kept separate from the fir so we can bundle correctly for the orders.

Since all our cribs were full of wood that is ready to bundle, I intruded on the space the feral barn cats inhabit in the show barn. It is stacked much higher than the cribs so the space is used to keep the wood as compact as possible while still allowing for airflow between the each row for the drying process.

The cats were offended at first with my encroachment, but soon came to realize that the pallets beneath the stack gave the youngest kittens a safe and secure location to skitter away from the bigger cats that try to dominate the group. The top of the stack has a thin layer of breathable fabric to protect it from the bigger cats who love to position themselves for a siesta on a high perch. Overall this small space holds a good amount of wood that will come in handy for bundles when the cold weather of the middle of winter demands premium firewood.