Beyond the FarmConservation and StewardshipIn the FieldsIn the Woods

Playing With A New App

I came across a new app recently and have been having a lot of fun so want to pass it along to my readers. I have many items that I come across daily that I try to name, and by doing so find that I have the names wrong according to genus or commonly known names. More often I know them by names that I have heard in the past and repeat only to find that I am not even close to the name that most people know the plant or animal to be.

The app is called iNaturalist:

One of the world’s most popular nature apps, iNaturalist helps you identify the plants and animals around you. … What’s more, by recording and sharing your observations, you’ll create research quality data for scientists working to better understand and protect nature.


hop cloverWith the new app, I started with plants. Even the different weeds that pop up in the grass fields or varieties of clovers can be identified. I snap a picture and the app connects with what has been seen around my area and matches my picture to a description a picture. I found out that the miniature clovers that the cows really enjoy are called subterranean clover. And that the tiny yellow headed clovers are not Chinese Clover as I had been calling it but is actually Hop Clover.

After checking out weeds, I went on to identify shrubs and trees that grow around the river. I have been finding it remarkable that most of the time the app is spot on with the first choice although it gives a multitude of other possibilities, and it does it in seconds. I’m going to be using the app in the fall when I head out for mushroom foraging and am excited to see how many of the genus and species I can verify while out on my walks.

colorful zale mothYesterday as I was heading into the house, I noticed a moth hanging on the side of the doorway. It was unique in the fact that since it was about eye level, I could see the unique patterns and that at first glance looked like three sizes of moths stacked on top of each other. I snapped a quick pick and found out that it was a Colorful Zale and that is common in this area.

I am having a lot of fun with this new-to-me app and hope it comes in handy for you as well.

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