In the GardenIn the Kitchen

Pears Winding Down

With all the dehydrating, canning and fresh eating as well as giving away as many as possible, the pears are nearing the end.

I still had several containers sitting in the garage loaded with pears in varying degrees of ripeness since I pick up the ones that fall off the tree each morning. Today Mike asked what I was going to do with those left in the garage. I said that I was pretty tired of messing with them and that he may as well feed them to the bulls with their hay in the evening.

He said it would be a shame to feed up those sweet pears instead of making pear upside down cake for dessert.

You guessed it, one for dessert, one for a few days from now and one in the freezer for winter time. But wait, you say you only see two in the picture? Yup, forgot to get proof before the first one was eaten.

From the way back file, here is the basic directions for Pear Upside Down Cake…

As for the pear cake, I simply used a pineapple upside-down cake recipe, substituted a layer of chopped pears and left out the maraschino cherries and pecans. I bake the cake in a couple of 8 inch glass pie pans. When the cake is baked through, I pull it out of the oven and invert it onto a flat serving dish. I let it sit this way until it cools and all the sugary bottom-now-top of the cake has steamed off the pie pan and onto the cake. I always make three at a time so at least one get frozen for later use.