Beyond the FarmConservation and Stewardship

Oregon State Penitentiary

It has been a couple of long months for me putting up with a lot of jabs about the REALOregon group planning to tour the Oregon State Penitentiary. It was my own fault. When the kids were little, I not only threatened them with jail time if they did not fasten their seat belts each and every time they were in a car, I specifically stated (many hundreds of times) that IF they were thrown in jail, I would not bail them out. I even threatened my own Mother once when she conveniently forgot to buckle up, she was appalled that I would not bail her out of jail.

Because of my stance, the kids always assumed that if they were incarcerated for any crime, any reason at all, I would not be their one phone call because I was too hard-hearted to get any leniency. So the jokes started when I got the paperwork to filled out for the required background check.  Make sure you fill it out correctly, I wouldn’t bail you out if they find a spelling error…Better watch your driving, they already have your intake paperwork filled out…You know they are going to lock you in once your are there and may not bother to let you back out…I live with and know a bunch of comedians, but I deserved every remark after my long-standing position.

The jokes did little to comfort me when I heard the steel doors slam closed behind the group that was divided into thirds before we made our way into the State Penitentiary. We had rules to follow, photo id’s had to be surrendered during check-in and id tags were issued , no jewelry, no watches, no belt buckles, no phones, no money. Inside, the surroundings were more like a beehive than I would have imagined. Daytime for the inmates can keep them busy until evening with classes, meetings, work details and yard time. Many cells are unoccupied during the day because of the activities.

We were able to see the busy laundry area that takes up a good deal of space and takes in truckloads each day from hospitals around the state. The inmates have to prove themselves by following the rules in order to be eligible for laundry duty and it is a privilege to get these jobs.

The metal shop and woodworking shop take in orders from institutions like hotels that want to remodel. The crews working in the shop make beautiful, functional furniture and decorations. In one area of the woodworking shop we saw wooden inlaid guitars being made. The wood was polished to a satin finish and the finished pieces were exquisite.

Another area that is always busy is the automotive shop. Workers here are trained in complete auto mechanics, and inmates are able to get an education that can set them up for a steady job when they are released from the facility.

One dark room filled with plexiglass cubicles house the computer area of the facility. The prison contracts with companies to make business calls. Training, computer software and followup services are provided by the company as operators learn valuable skills.

Thankfully, at the end of the tour, the guards did unlock the series of steel doors and I was released along with the rest of our group. The experience was good in the fact that it took me out of my comfort zone (by several hundred paces) but I was not in the least comfortable when contemplating society as a whole and how so many are held throughout our nation. It was an interesting tour.

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I am so pleased to announce that MaryJane Nordgren has made her new book available to the public! Click here for your copy of Nandria’s War.

One thought on “Oregon State Penitentiary

  • Bonnie Shumaker

    We always gave our kids the same caveat that you did. So glad you made it out. I imagine you kept a low profile, kept with your group and didn’t wander off. Thanks for the interesting recap of your tour. Little is ever said about the training programs and busyness built into the facility, and it is good to learn.

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