Beyond the FarmBeyond the FieldsConservation and Stewardship

One More Yammer

Normally I don’t go into detailed information about another landowner, but I have found out about damage that will affect many people in Washington County and beyond the county. At the end of this post, I will give you the farm information if you are interested in reading about how this past winter will change the course for this local farm family.

Jossy Farms, a local producer located in North Plains, has been known for years as the place to go for u-pick and picked tree fruit like apples, pears, prunes and peaches. The peach trees are a draw for customers from Washington, California and Idaho as the trees ripen. Local High School kids earn their uniforms by working the fruit stands during the peak season and the whole family is active not only in the orchards but in the community also.

This winter hit the their orchard particularly hard and Jossy Farms sent out information on social media when they realized that 90 percent of their peach trees died from a bacterial canker that formed during the harsh winter. New peach trees cannot grow on this ground once the canker has taken over an orchard. The lively-hood of this local farmer is at risk, what is he going to do?

For those of you who would like more information on this subject I will give the Jossy sites for you to look at but remember to come back to this site when done!