CattleIn the Fields

On A Mission

One of our more senior cows, the one that knows her way around yet is not always the lead cow, is Opal, she also has a sweet tooth.

Last week while we had the main herd in the far, far field the rogue apple, pear and plum trees had been dropping fruit. The plum tree in particular had finally finished fruiting and the dregs were dropping off in mushy globs onto the ground. Opal wasted no time heading for the fruit circuit when we opened the gate to move the main herd back from the far far field and closer to the barns and fruit trees.

Being nearly a ton, it isn’t so simple to sneak off, but Opal has perfected the stealthy exit.

Opal was by herself as she bypassed the slabs of green hay that we were tossing into the field for the herd and headed directly for the fruit. She returned about a half hour later, with a tummy full of sugar, to join in the last few spears left of the hay without any of the other critters noticing that they missed out on the sweet foray.