CattleIn the Fields

Old Adage

A pasture with a Black Angus cow on one side of the fence.That old adage about good fences making for good neighbors seemed very appropriate for this rare day of sunshine.

Chex #27, hung around the fence line as we worked to check out our progress.

Our fence has a mixture of wooden posts, metal t-posts, woven wire and barbed wire. It it a conglomeration that has been accumulating over the years to ensure the neighbors animals and our animals stick to the boundary lines.

The job for today was to add an electrified wire on the far side of the fence, we already have one strung on our side. The line on the far side will help keep the neighbor cows from rubbing on the posts which works up our cattle while bending and breaking the fence.

The extra electric line is just a bit more insurance for when we have our herd sire in this pasture with our cows. It is much easier to add a line now than to chase after a love-sick bull later.

Although the weather was cooperating this day, we only were able to get about a third of the line installed along the easiest part of the fence. After this line corners across the back of our property, there is a lot of leaf woods like wild cherry, hazelnuts, alders and scrub brush that needs to be cut out with a chainsaw to have a space clear to run the electric fence.

Since there have been many repairs over the years and minimal tree pruning, the vegetation has grown through the wires requiring patience and time to extract the growth from the line. We will be coming back to this job several times in order to complete the clean-out and electric strand.