Conservation and StewardshipIn the BarnIn the Fields

Long Lasting Snow

While we have had snow on the ground for more than two weeks, it seems that it is going to come to an abrupt end.

Moderating temperatures, those getting above freezing and staying that way through the night, along with a good batch of warmer rain is going to take it all away in a hurry. For the past week it seems like the thermometer has been clutching to that 32 degree mark with all its might. There were days when it spiked a bit during the day but sunk right back or below each night. Even the rain was falling during the close to freezing temps changing from snowflakes, to grapple, to rain during the hours.

Since Thanksgiving we have had at least a trace of moisture fall every single day with a few 24 hour periods over an inch in accumulation and once over two inches (2.33!). Needless to say, we are now in a muddy mess everywhere around the farm. The river is running high and mini-streams are popping up everywhere. The main field is half submerged in a newly formed lake. And the rain continues.

Today will be a day of trying to de-mud-ify those areas that are a real nuisance like where the snow packs that fell off the barn roofs are allowing rainwater to run around and through the barns.