CattleIn the Fields

Just Before Rainy Week

white wire temporary fence around fieldJust before our week of rain, we finally got down to getting that temporary fence put up around the barnyard of the barn across the river. I had taken the fence down during the end of summer when theĀ  small fieldĀ  needed to be open for the main herd to use the area for grazing.

We were supposed to replace the temporary fence in the fall before the wet weather came but it was one of those things that got put on the back burner until the forecast demanded we get the area blocked off before the really wet week would cause the ground to get chewed up by hoof prints of the herd. We use white poly tape for temporary fences, the white plastic has eight thin wires threaded through and it is the thin wire that carries the electric charge of the fence.

packaging for white poly tapeThe poly tape has many advantages. It is very flexible and can be repaired easily by simply tying a knot and hooks to metal t-posts by plastic insulators. The whole fence can be set up or removed without too much work or hassle. The white tape is easily seen so the herd does not mess with it once they know it carries an electric charge. It is also easy to see if the elk have stormed through and created downed or broken wires that need repair. Putting up the fence or taking down the fence and storing the pieces does not require heavy gloves or fencing pliers.

The disadvantage is that the wire is not very heavy and does not last for decades as does barb wire.

With a day filled with a lot of small jobs, the fence got the t-posts replaced, insulators clipped, the poly wire restrung and the gate closed with the portable solar electric fence unit charging up the wire. The herd was not upset at all that they could no longer cut through the small field to get to the outdoor round feeders. After the first couple of hours all the cows including the three nearing weaning age were walking the rocked road as the path around the blocked area.

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