CattleIn the Barn

Good Timing For Barn Cleaning

The barn cleaning we had done a couple of days ago was pretty good in the timing department. Mike was able to get the loads hauled up the county road and into the far, far hay field on a day with clouds forming but no rain while we worked.

The field and rocked road into the spreading area was dry enough to support the heavy load of the honey wagon as it flung poo in a wide path along the upper side of the far, far field where the grass and eventual hay grows sparse compared to the rest of the fields. This part of the field is on a slight slope and is not as fertile a ground as the rest of the field. The layers of manure that are put on this spot nourish the soil to grow better, more nutrient rich feed.

As Mike was spreading clean wood chips into the loafing area of the show barn, a light drizzle started. Before we could get the equipment cleaned and tucked into their respective barns, rain had settled in. During the evening chores that we started within an hour of finishing with the barns, we got soaked to the skin from the now steady rain with more coming through the night.

The critters in the bull barn and the show barn seem pleased with the freshening up.