In the Woods

Fungus In The Forest

Many of you wonder why I write daily stories on the blog site. There are many, many reasons why with the big one being, why not? I have always loved stories, loved to share stories, I am forgetful and like to be able to look back and see what happened when, and I am practicing to be a grownup, to name just a few. Writing things seems to make information stick in my brain longer than if I were to just say I needed to remember something (it is a tactile spacial acuity thing), if I can type or write out directions or problems, they hang around longer than when I am running the tractor without pen or paper available.With that introduction into my quirky thought processes I wanted to share this story or note to myself about our weather for this summer. The muggy days and odd thunderclouds that seem to pop up out of nowhere have given us just enough moisture to alert the mushrooms in the forest that it is time to start fruiting. It is also part of the reason why we found the dog vomit slime mold at the base of a Douglas Fir.

An emerging lobster mushroom in the forest.

In the last couple of days, I have been able to identify several different mushroom that have been popping up.

The bright orange of lobster mushrooms are a second generation mushroom. The fungus is virtually taking over and consuming the original mushroom that was growing just below ground or barely poking out of the surface. Lobster mushrooms get their name from not only the bright color similar to cooked lobsters but also have a slight seafood taste when cooked. I love the taste of lobster mushrooms, but the rest of the family are not wild about it so I only indulge when I am the only one around.

I have seen several different kind of Russula mushrooms (they are the ones that break like chalk when you bend the stem) but since I can only identify the genus but not the individual kinds of Russula, I only make a note that I have seen them but do not attempt to harvest for eating.

gray topped white mushroom

There have been several kinds that I have not been able to identify at all. And leave these along completely except for to take a snapshot so I remember what it looked like. This one was distinct because the stem is not smooth and looks rather shaggy. I’m sure it has a name but I am unfamiliar.

A Chanterelle mushroom in green duff

So this note to myself is that when the conditions are right for a few mushrooms to pop up, and even that yucky slime mold, it is also time to check to see if any of the extremely desirable Chanterelles  may be lurking.

Mike and I stopped on our way down the hill after a day of working in the woods at one of our notorious/reliable Chanterelle hot-spots and sure enough we found a few.

a handful of Chanterelles

The bounty we were able to gather was unexpected but greatly appreciated.

And note to self: remember to carry an extra bag in my collection of paraphernalia that I pack when I go into the woods to work. I had to carry this load down the hill in my shirt that I folded into a satchel.