In the BarnIn the FieldsIn the Woods


I attempt to give the farm dogs equal billing when it comes to stories about their antics.  This is an effort to keep either one from getting jealous (as if they can read, or follow my posts). I try to love them both the same, just as I try to reprimand them in equal amounts to their exploits with the punishment fitting of the crime. Yet the wild child, Jackson, tends to have more adventures than the more timid Butler. For sure Butler gets the better photos because he poses for the camera and is not running hither and yon in frantic, nonsensical, nose-nose-to-the-ground, sniff fests.

dog on deck of rotary mowerJackson was spotted hitching a ride on the back of the tractor where we have the rotary mower attached. We keep the mower hooked up as a counter-balance while loading, unloading and hauling the cribs of firewood, and managing the full pallets of completed wood bundles. Mike didn’t call him to load up, Jackson decided to jump on all by himself.

Jackson finds the flat deck of the mower a nice spot to stand and watch the world, er farm, go by. He does not have a problem with Mike driving over rough spots, or jerking the mower as he forwards and reverses, or bumping along as the tractor goes over the bridge and county road.

What happened to catch my eye, was when Mike looked to his right as he was turning the tractor, Jackson also turned right to see where they were headed. Once straightened out Jackson turned left to see if I was getting a good photo of him.

With all the practice he has had with balance, I’m sure Jackson would be a darn good surfer.

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2 thoughts on “Freeloader

  • Bonnie H Shumaker

    We call that kind of watching done by our dog “reading the newspaper.” Our dog is usually standing on the couch with her paws on the armrest, staring out the window. Jackson was obviously in the mobile newsroom. (I know our dog is spoiled. Don’t tell Jackson about what she is allowed to do.)

    • admin

      Our dogs do not have the credentials for access to the house. With all the outdoor smells, poop and goop they like to slather themselves in, being outdoor-only is the way to go. Sometimes they get kicked out of the open air barn for smelling too potent!

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