In the Fields

Four Days Of Good Weather

tractor pulling a haybineIn a typical year we begin hay season closer to the end of June. This year things especially our pasture grass seems to be getting mature in the fields a little earlier than normal and Mike is getting antsy. The weather forecast calls for a stretch of four to five days of dry weather and so he went ahead and mowed a few acres to get started on the fields.

If we can get get this small amount put up into hay bales and stored in the barn successfully, we will move the equipment up the road to begin the far, far field that is 16 acres in size.

Mike mowed the field three days ago, fluffed the rows twice and will be raking into manageable windrows before getting down to baling the dry hay. Weather forecast is now calling for rain on Saturday so the push is on to get this first batch completed and into the barn before the weather changes.

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