Beyond the FarmBeyond the Fields

Evening Chores

It has been a week of almosts.

The rain clouds gathered and darkened, the sky ominous in its tone. It almost rained. But most of the time, barely a drop or two fell before the moisture makers moved on with the shifting air streams.

The sun shone bright between the breaks in the clouds only to be dampened time and time again by those darker, billowing masses in the sky.

I almost made it up the hill with the Gator in low range and 4-wheel drive, but the spritzes of moisture we had made the steep grades like glass, the nubby tires useless as I slid sideways back to the lower level of the farm.

I nearly planted more of the garden. A frosty morning a couple of days ago thwarted my planning and reminded me that prudent waiting is the proper path.

Grass in the road banks along the county road needed to be trimmed before it got too long to mow smoothly with neat cuts. The small trials I attempted had the grass too damp to cut and would clog the mower each time I tried. The cows along the fence that line up when the mower is revved, were disappointed that they did not get the clippings and I was equally forlorn over the fact that the task was not completed.

Looking back over the week, my almosts far outweighed any finished projects I had accumulated.

rainbowYet, when I headed out to do the evening chores, the sky lit up with a glorious rainbow as I pitched hay out for the main herd.

Taking in the grandeur, the stunning beauty of life on the farm, theĀ  almosts were put on hold, for now.