Beyond the FarmIn the Garden

Called Out

Did you notice it? My sister did. She commented on the post from a couple of days ago about my frozen hoses, or rather I should say the hoses that are no longer frozen and I rolled them up for the winter.

This is the wording from the post: Most of the garden hoses that fill the bull pen, show barn cows, the nearly ready to butcher critters, and newly weaned animals, un-thawed enough to drain and roll up for storage

First off, it wasn’t a very structurally sound sentence, but my sister pointed out (in a very kind way) than if the hose had actually un-thawed it must have frozen.

I have grown up calling things a certain way and I have always waited for my hoses to un-thaw, but my sister growing up in the same household just a couple of years separate from me had to alert me to the error of my ways. She had a legitimate point  and the sentence was just plain wrong.

With that settled, I now am going to have to figure out why I still call those pedals in the foot well in the drivers section of the foot-feet. Many of times, as the kids were learning to drive, I would tell them to make sure they are steady on the foot-feet for the gas and not to be afraid to push the foot-feet down all the way to the floor to engage the clutch. I have no idea why I call it that.

Enough for today, I’m going to check to see if my hoses are now thawed…

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