In the BarnIn the Fields

A Little More Snow

We have had on and off snow showers the last couple of days. Everything turns white then the shower stops and the next hour is what accumulated slowly melting until the next shower hits.

We are expecting quite a lot more snow to arrive over the next day or so before the weather system is predicted to turn colder.

Our bridge is most susceptible to being very slick since it is elevated and smooth steel of the two railroad cars that make up the suspension. Travel over the bridge  with the Gator may not be a possibility if we do get the forecasted system. If we cannot get the Gator through deep snow or over the icy bridge we will resort to the front loader tractor to feed in the outdoor mangers.

The feeding process takes twice as long as normal mealtimes when the tractor is involved with a minimum of two people. Since Mike is the better tractor driver, I get the honor of being on the top of the bales stacked on a pallet on the front of the loader. Saying that I do not care for heights isn’t an option when Mike raises the front loader above the cows and mangers for me to cut the bales and drop slabs of hay in from well over their backs. And I do have to say the view is always spectacular.




2 thoughts on “A Little More Snow

  • Bonnie Shumaker

    Just as long as Mike doesn’t hit the wrong lever and lilt the bucket instead of just raising it, you should be fine.

    • admin

      He is the steadiest driver I know when it comes to handling equipment, I wouldn’t dangle about for just anyone at the controls!

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