In the GardenIn the Kitchen

A Little Extra Time

Finding myself wide awake at 3am for no good reason, I headed to the kitchen where I had some Honeycrisp Apples that I had picked the evening before. I had been dreaming about canning some in the form of apple pie filling but just didn’t feel up to the task.

Instead I peeled and cut up a large bowlful and set it aside.

Then I peeled the rest of the apples and sliced them for the dehydrator and filled the unit. Setting the temperature control to 120 degrees and closing up the unit, I could forget about them for at least 16 hours before checking for doneness.

Back to the large bowlful of cut up apples I prepared some pie shells and mixed up the apples for filling. By 6 am I had pies out of the oven, the dehydrator full of drying fruit, and was ready to begin the day.

For those of you who are wondering, I can not remember the last time I only made one pie when baking. Seems like there is always a need for an extra or two so it has become my habit to make at least three at a time.

One of these was a breakfast treat, I know it is decadent but pies were originally a breakfast food and so I don’t feel guilty about it. One was for the freezer for when there are no longer apples in the garden, and one was cut into pieces, placed on saucer sized plates and individually wrapped with a plastic fork. These single serving pieces were delivered to the road crew later in the day that was diligently working on Timber Road to replace the aging power poles. We are fortunate to have awesome relationships with our crews, and a small surprise once and a while makes their day.

One thought on “A Little Extra Time

  • Bonnie Shumaker

    Awesome relationships with servings of pie make for even more awesome relationships. Very thoughtful, Susan.

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