Beyond the FarmIn the Fields

Storm Concerns

This last week has had us looking up into the sky wondering if the wild weather of snow and or ice is actually heading our way. The forecasters have been taking about it for more than a week now and it looks like something dramatic is brewing out in the Pacific Ocean.

Today, Friday, was supposed to be the beginning with some rain coming inland. During the morning chores the wind was blowing and rain was coming down, when trying to throw slabs of hay into the outdoor mangers the wind would blow a lot of it out of the slabs and swirl them around, the cows wet with rain, were all coated in fine hay since they were crowding around their version of the breakfast table. The hay stuck to them and they looked more like green cows than black cows.

Extremely high tides along with 30 foot swells are expected to hit the coast line by Saturday morning. The local highways around the town of Seaside will be under water until the tide goes out and the wild waves calm.

Back when I worked away from home, I spent some years working in the town of Seaside and got to witness first hand what it looks like with high tides and storm surges. In order to get home one evening after working a 12 hour shift, I had to drive along a submerged stretch of highway. It was well past dark and the road was closed to all cars, only high profile pickups and trucks were allowed to drive, and even then it was only when guided through the worst of the flooding with a pilot pickup truck.  When the water was about 6 inches deep, I could see large salmon swimming ahead of me in the headlights, right there in the middle of the road. Halfway through the stretch of flooded highway I was wishing that I had just spent the night in town rather than try to make it past the line of flooded out vehicles stranded along the road.

I had to pull over after I had safely been escorted through the dangerous, swift water and thanked my lucky stars that I made it through the encounter. After I was able to calm down enough to continue the hour long drive home with the rain and wind lashing at the vehicle and the windshield washers barely making the vision clear enough to drive.

It sounds like this storm is supposed to be a doozy and keep winds and rain along with high tides through the weekend before it turns colder when snow and ice are predicted. We are going to have to hold on tight and see what comes.

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