CattleIn the Fields

#86 Twisty And Helix

cow and calf in young tree standWell ol’ Two Jugs, I mean Twisty, finally had her calf.

It was the perfect timing for her, the calf was of correct size and soundness, the whole herd had been along with Twisty to the far, far field so she had plenty of room to wander away for her privacy with areas around young trees, and her back teats had not exploded even though they looked ready to burst.

We found the recently born calf and new mama just minutes after delivery when we drove the Gator up the road for the morning feeding. We were able to throw some hay her direction after we got the rest of the herd occupied with their own slabs doled out. Once fully cleaned off and Twisty had her belly full of hay, the newborn curled up for a well-deserved nap.

The new calf was very active and trying to stand while Twisty grabbed bites between tongue bathing her newborn.

Welcome to the farm, bull calf Helix born 4/11/21, weighing 83 lbs.

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