CattleIn the Fields

Two Jugs Full

Gravity is a cruel beast. The earthly tug on bodies can be seen during the aging process, we get older and the pull drags us lower. Some body parts drag more than others, perky is no longer a word to describe anything about us. The same is true for the cattle.

The optimum look for young show cattle shows a straight back, strong legs and for the females, muscling that is not too bulky while showing the ability to produce both offspring and meat, an udder that is uniform in placement of the four teats and folds that show the calf will eventually be able to produce and nourish the next generations.

One of our more senior cows is #86 Twisty. In her youth, she was a stunner. We showed her at fairs and exhibitions from the time she was a calf aside her mother until she started having her own calves. That is when gravity started to change the lithe and youthful youngster into a mature and rather saggy adult.

udderAfter many calves, Twisty’s udder has made a transformation from a normal looking udder to one that is very large in the back quadrants and very small in the front ones. Those teats in the back hang at least six inches lower in the back than they do in the front.

Twisty is getting close to calving for this year and her udder is filling with the milk that will be needed to feed her baby, the back two teats are filling up fast. It looks like her udder is the size of two gallon jugs of milk back there between her hind legs, the front two teats are also growing but they remind me of the arms of a T-Rex compared to the back half.

Judging by the size of her udder, we were expecting her to deliver a calf last week. This week she is still expanding and has to walk bow-legged to accommodate those swinging jugs.

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