In the Garden

Working In The Garden (Finally)

During this stretch of warm spring weather, the garden beckons or rather screams for me to get out there and do something. I had the chance to get the rototiller out and make a quick pass over the water-logged ground and slowed down the pace of unwanted grass, Canadian thistles, sour sorrel and buttercups before we had a couple days of rain.

In one corner, I made several passes with the tiller and did manage to plant a few seeds. Lettuce, spinach, onions and peas. All cold weather vegetables, they can tolerate light frosts and continue to grow. I should see if the seeds germinate in about a week.

Today, I transplanted some of the onions that I grew from seed last year.

A row of green onions with winter weeds between each plant.This is what the row looked like before I dug them up, pretty bedraggled from the constant rain over the last three months.

After digging, I trimmed the tops back to only an inch above the roots and pulled out all the weeds that were entangled in the roots.

Their new home is where the ground has been worked up. I planted the individual onions about 2 inches apart so they would have room to grow the bottom bulbs. The tops that were cut off went into a spring green salad with the lettuce and spinach I had started in the cold frame 6 weeks ago.