In the Woods

While The Firewood Dries Out

DehumidifierI went into the garage before starting the morning chores and walked into a warm moistness. Everything was sweating. My jackets, that were damp from the day before, were still soggy. The windows were all fogged up. The doors and doorknobs were wet with condensation. Moisture was dripping from the ceiling and garage door opener motors. The cribs of firewood that had in the process of getting dry were sopping wet. The mighty dehumidifier that we had been running non-stop the last two months had died during the night without so much as a groan.

With the very gracious nature of my sister and BIL, we acquired a replacement unit and was able to dry out the garage quickly. The firewood is still going to take some time to get this round of humidity cleared before getting back to drying out but at least the humidity level is going down from 85%.

With the seedlings showing up, we will not have time to work with the firewood for the next few days anyway. This gives the garage time to get back to the current demand of preparing the firewood for bundling.

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One thought on “While The Firewood Dries Out

  • Bonnie Shumaker

    Wow! That humidifier must really be a workhorse for everything to get so drippy when it broke. Glad you got a quick replacement.

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