In the Barn

While I Was Trying To Work

Along with most of civilization, I have had the opportunity to attend virtual meetings. Those group connections with the help of cyber space (although for the life of me, can’t fathom how it works) has allowed me to keep up on boards that I am on, my writing group, my book group, friends and family. Many times I get a glimpse into the lives of these people by the backdrops their screens capture during the meeting.

Even though I try to be early or at least on time to these meetings, invariably something happens at the last minute and I end up scrambling to get connected, or realize my phone is nearly out of necessary power, or the internet has decided it needs a break, or, or, or…

cat inside metal racksIn an effort to try to get some work done at the same time, I connect from where I happen to be working. My fellow meet-ers are treated to sounds of moos, sights of tall trees, visions of dogs running or the dark insides of barns.

The other day as I connected to a meeting, I happened to be out in the barn bundling firewood when PegLeg the cat decided to interrupt with some antics of her own. My plan was to attend meeting on mute so that I could listen while I continued to work. Perhaps I should have also turned off the video, because while I had the camera facing toward me, PegLeg was busy trying to photo-bomb the meeting.

cat in metal traysShe walked along the top of the wood crib where the extra metal cradles were stacked. The only way I knew she was behind me was the click, click, click of her toenails inside the cradles.

Once I noticed her dancing around back there and acknowledged her presence with a surprised look, the fellow meet-ers noticed something unusual going on that was definitely not meeting-like at all. Whatever was being discussed came to an abrupt end so we all could watch just was that goofy cat was doing.

cat leaving traysFinally PegLeg decided she had enough of virtual meetings and jumped out of focus. I would say that the meeting continued as planned, but it didn’t. PegLeg was the star of the show that day and when she left so did the impetus to continue forward and was the event was cut short soon after.

I try to play the virtual game of connection like a good participant, but it does not seem to work for me. PegLeg seems to be on the same path.

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