In the Garden

While I Can

I may need a whole week of posts titled the same as this one. The weather has me scrambling to get the last of summers bounty processed and stored for the winter.

tomatoes sliced for dehydratorI had a gift of a box of ripe tomatoes given to me.  I am only able to grow cherry tomatoes with our limited sunlight between our east and west hillsides, and this gift was beautiful, handful sized globes that were ready to eat or process.

(Disclosure note, I did get some second harvest figs along with the tomatoes. The Rogue Valley has been very good to me this year with surprises. Since there are not enough figs to process, I am hoarding the precious figs and am holding myself to four or five a day for fresh eating. One more day of figs and I will be tapped out).

figsIf I had the time and the inclination to spend a day in the kitchen, I would have canned the whole lot of them after saving enough for fresh eating. But rather than torturing myself, I sliced most of them and ran them through the dehydrator. I did save back enough to dice and freeze for wintertime recipes like soups and stews. Both methods of preserving will come in handy when crockpot season is upon us.

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