CattleIn the Fields

What Day Is It?

cows eating hay scattered on hillsideAs I check in on family, friends, loved ones, acquaintances, and customers, I keep hearing the phrase ‘what day is it’? It’s as if once the daily routine of our lives changes, our sense of time alters. I have noticed this in the past when taking a few days away from the farm, the change of routine while seeing new sights doesn’t kick in because there are other demands like being on time for planned excursions like car rentals, hotel stays, vista views, etc. It is when I return home when I notice that my internal clock is skewed, my nights don’t seem restful and my days are unsettled. It takes me time to get back to my normal routine, sometimes it is just a day but it usually takes more than that for my internal metronome to get clicking on a regular basis.

With this new experience of sheltering in place,  people I talk or computer chat to, are in that unbalanced state. Days of the week seem condensed or stretched, sometimes at the same time!

cattle congregating in dirt on skid roadSo I figured I would give you the day of the week in cattle-speak…today is dirt day. Dirt day is the holiday for the main herd when we move them to a new area that has new smells and the opportunity to get down and rub to their hearts content. The dirt the herd found on this day was near the side-hill where we fed them their breakfast. The calves, ranging from a couple days old to several months of age happily joined their mothers in the cut of the skid road where the logs are dragged off the hillside to the landing.

cows playing in dirtWithin an hour, nearly every member of the main herd had a smear of dirt on their legs, heads, necks and backsides.

Welcome to dirt day, I hope this story finds you able to find your balance with a bit of soil.

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I am so pleased to announce that MaryJane Nordgren has made her new book available to the public! Click here for your copy of Nandria’s War.


2 thoughts on “What Day Is It?

  • Bonnie Shumaker

    I can’t wait for dirt day. As soon as we get enough sunshine for the dirt to dry a little, I’m going to get those seed potatoes in the ground. I’ll probably not roll in the dirt, but some will get on me, for sure and I’ll love it.

    • As I wrote the post it was a chilly 33 degrees. My potatoes are going to have to wait awhile but I am starting to get an itch to get some peas, lettuce and broccoli growing!

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