In the Woods

What Are The Odds

I have two saws for my little firewood project. The are exactly the same, well, not quite.

One saw was purchased and a few months later I blew up the motor.  I really don’t know what that means. Nothing projectile-ed anything, there was no sparks or fire, no loud boom of any kind. I just had no uuumph when I pulled the starter cord. No compression sounds from the engine. Could not even get it to begin to turn over. So now you know that I am basically mechanically stupid, just never figured out how that stuff works. I do know when something is broken, and this saw was broken.

While my under warranty, broken saw was being examined and doctored on by highly competent mechanics, I needed a saw. Mike purchased another one that was the exact same model number and I used it for three weeks until my older saw was fixed and brought home.

chainsaw with a paint blotWe wanted to make sure the fixed saw was working correctly, did not want to have a lemon sitting idle. In order to tell the new saw from the one that was just brought home from the fix-it shop, Mike took a can of spray paint and gave it a good Rorschach type inkblot with black paint right on the top where it could be easily identified as the saw to use first.

bird blot on sawWith the new saw sitting idle, a dirty birdie flew by and marked the new saw with his own kind of inkblot. Wouldn’t you know it, the birdie blot is nearly identical to Mike’s blot. I have to keep checking both saws when I go to grab one to make sure I don’t mix them up. I suppose I could just clean the birdie saw, but I do love a good challenge…

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One thought on “What Are The Odds

  • Bonnie Shumaker

    You are not mechanically stupid, or maybe you are, but the real culprits are the ones who use the term “blew up the motor.” It calls up the vision of projectiles, loud noises and such. I still remember back in high school when a friend of Bob’s “dropped his tranny” when driving his car. I could figure out that his transmission died, but did it end up on the road somewhere? Just guy talk, I guess, but the conjured up visions sure don’t fit what happened.

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