Beyond the FarmCattleIn the FieldsIn the Woods

Wet Part Of Storm System

pond in middle of hay fieldWe made it through the first part of this storm system over the weekend with breezy winds, temperatures in the high 30’s and more than 5 inches of rain. It is a soggy, muddy mess all around the farm. The pastures are sodden, the swamp is twice the size it was last week and is again running over the culvert that can’t keep up and we have a new pond in the back of the big hay field.

When I checked it Sunday afternoon, I spotted about 20 ducks enjoying the day swimming to and fro around the pond. They seemed very content even though it was windy and very rainy, they continued on their lazy meanderings as if it was a sunny summer day.

ducks on the pondThe vibrant sun would pop out from time to time as the clouds whizzed by, and rainbows could be seen brilliant for brief glances, but most of the time it was simply wet with occasional periods of chunky rain that was nearly snow. Round two of this storm system should bring colder weather with snow or ice predicted the rest of the week. Sunday afternoon the rain changed more to snow and began sticking around 5pm.

We will be watching and listening our forest during upcoming week. With the ground saturated, the heavy weight of snow and ice on the branches could cause breakage or uproot trees easier than when the ground is drier.

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