In the Woods

We Talked About That

I was serious when I stated that we had a heart to heart talk about not bringing more logs into the landing before I had gotten the current deck cut, split and removed from the area.

I could not have stated it more firmly, and Mike agreed that it would be smart to get the area cleaned up before bringing more logs out of the woods. The agreement did not quite last until I had the landing completely cleaned out.

dog sleeping by log deckWhile I was down to a final day of splitting, the new logs started rolling in. Well, not quite rolling as they were being dragged along behind the bulldozer down out of the woods. But as soon as I nearly had the area clear, Mike stacked the beginning logs of the new deck into place.

We still have a lot of discards that are piled up at both ends of the deck since I did not have time to get them all out of the way. These are akin to the cobbler not wearing new shoes for he would always have the new shoes for customers. The discards are the pieces that are miss-shaped, odd cuts, end pieces or ones that grew too crooked to make into appropriate size kindling or firewood. We will use up the discards through the fall and winter for our wood supply. Our outdoor boiler doesn’t care if the wood is pretty, as long as we chunk the firebox full of these oddball pieces it will continue to heat the house just fine. It will just have to be one Gator load at a time after we finish the evening feeding for the main herd of cows.

dozer pushing new logs onto deckDon’t get me wrong, I am pleased that Mike is making sure I have a good wood supply for the firewood project even though he likes to jump the gun and get ahead of me every now and again. But I may stay irked for a little while that he rushed me through the cleanup stage of the old deck. I would probably stay irritated longer but the firewood project is keeping me too busy to dwell on negativity.

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One thought on “We Talked About That

  • Bonnie and Bob Shumaker

    It reminds me of doing dishes after Thanksgiving dinner. Just when you think you are done, some helpful soul finds more to bring to the sink.

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