CattleIn the Fields

Waiting On Breakfast

The cows, bulls and weaned critters know when it is time to eat since we are pretty regimented with schedules. However sometimes their internal clocks get off-kilter by a bit and then someone in the herd gets offended when the meal isn’t ready when expected.

You know how it is when you have a rummbly-tummy but it is still a long stretch before mealtime. The fridge gets opened several times, there is rummaging around in the pantry, pacing becomes a priority, and drinking a big glass of water only makes you hungrier…

Cow waits at fence watching the county roadRecently one of the younger cows thought we were taking too long before loading up the Gator for her meal and she stood at the fenceline watching the driveway and the County Road for any sign of impending food. If she were capable of the gesture, it would have been the stink-eye for sure. She must have stood by the fence for an hour or so before we got other chores done around the yard before driving through her patrolled gate, across the bridge and over to the barn to fill the Gator with dinner for the main herd.

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I am so pleased to announce that MaryJane Nordgren has made her new book available to the public! Click here for your copy of Nandria’s war.