CattleIn the Fields

Waiting For The Signal

Cows waiting patiently on the far side of a fence.It’s like they are waiting for the starting gun to go off. The herd that had been in the far pasture for more than a week are letting us know that it is time for them to moooove (sorry for the pun).
They had been in charge of cleaning up around the edge of the far hay field and thinning out the brush line at the edge of the woods and along the old railroad track. They did a good job.
On this day the critters were hanging out and patiently waiting for us to open the gate and let them into the next pasture. They were sure that come dinner time, we would oblige them by letting them change pastures. They were right, we opened the gate and fed a couple of bales on the ground before getting a clear count that all were in attendance before closing the gate to the far field.