Beyond the FarmConservation and Stewardship

Training Available

After writing about October 1st being the beginning of the new water year, I heard some exciting news about training available for those interested in learning more about the citizen science project that I keep going on about.

The free training is sponsored by Oregon State University Extension,

Please Share – Online OST  Training continues into Fall 2020

During the COVID-19 Stay Home Stay Safe, we are offering the online portion of the OST training FREE.   We hope this training will be an interesting way for people to become part of a statewide volunteer science project while staying safely at home. In this free session volunteers will need to buy their own CoCoRaHS-approved rain gauge online.

Click on the OST Become an Observer to find the registration link.

This free training is just too good to pass up so I am passing it along!

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One thought on “Training Available

  • Bonnie Shumaker

    Thanks, Susan. This may just be the nudge I need to actually do something about this. I always think about signing up, but never get to it.

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