In the Fields

Traffic Jam

My commute is a short one, just a short walk down the drive way, across the county road, through a fence across a field and over the bridge. Less than five minutes from my back door and I can be hard at work fixing fence, feeding cows, cutting or splitting wood, or bundling or searching for Scotch Broom, or, or, or. The list is endless, but the short commute isn’t devoid of problems.

Thankfully the frozen mornings of slipping back down the incline of the bridge is over until winter is again upon us. The high water of overflowing river banks that swamp the walking path should also be over for this season. The thick, sticky mud has left for a hard pan surface to walk on with the exception of a few puddles on rainy days.

I like to head over right after I finish the morning feeding in the show barn, while I am still full of energy for the day. The dogs are delighted that I chose to include them when I go to work.

Before, I would always have the dogs on leads to walk across the road with me since they refuse to listen to the command to wait when they have a nighttime of full bladders with nature beckoning. With less travelers on the county road  on these lockdown days, I feel comfortable with them not on leashes. I do however encounter days when my calls go unheeded and they scoot across the road whenever they wish. Sometimes they get sidetracked chasing a cat, or looking for chipmunks and squirrels. Eventually the trio of us make it across the road unscathed so we can continue our commute.

two dogs mid-span of bridgeOn the bridge the other day, I ran into a traffic jam when the dogs decided to gawk instead of keeping the flow going. I may be the only one who can get slowed down in a five minute commute by my own little traffic jam on the through-way thanks to my special fellow commuters.

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