CattleIn the Fields

Time Out

While yesterdays story of Blossom and Flourish was playing out, there was another narrative going on and it was hidden in plain sight.

a cow with newborn calf on hillside
Francie calf is standing inside an outdoor feeder. You can see her just above the wooden fence to the right of the barn and below Blossom and her new baby.

When I first sighted Blossom with her new calf right above the outdoor mangers, I noticed two things. The first was that the main herd of cows were all watching Blossom from a distance, they were all facing the same direction to view the action. The second thing I spotted was Francie calf standing inside one of the outdoor feeders.

Francie was born in September and has never considered herself as a baby. She had been hanging with the main herd since day one. She has had no qualms crossing the river to get to new grazing ground even when the water is high. She sidles right up to the outdoor mangers to eat hay. Troupes up and down muddy trails and runs circles around the main herd if they move too slowly for the lively youngster.

One of the mangers has broken along one side during the wintertime and Francie now considers it an open door to get inside and stand where they hay will be fed. We have never encouraged her to do this but the trick has worked so well for her that at nearly every feeding time, we can find her patiently waiting for her share of grub. She has gotten used to us hollering at her to get out as we round the corner with hay on the front loader or in the back of the Gator. She politely steps out of her self-imposed prison to eat like the rest of the herd.

Francie has only a short time left of these silly antics because she is growing so fast, theĀ  break in the structure is going to be too small to accommodate her for much longer.

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One thought on “Time Out

  • Bonnie Shumaker

    Susan – You told me a long time ago that I could use any of your posts in the Forest Forum. So, watch for “Scenes from the Tractor,” February 22 to show up in the March issue.

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