In the Woods

The Thanks I Get

It was a warm morning of cutting up 16 inch pieces from the log deck I’m trying to work through. I wanted to save enough time to get the pieces that I had gotten cut split into appropriate sizes for bundles before all the equipment had to be shut down for the day because of fire season.

dog sleeping by log deckWhile I had my back turned to all my hard work, Butler the dog decided that the nice layer of wood chips I had made would make a very comfortable napping spot. Even with all the noise of the splitter and me chucking pieces this way and that, Butler dozed on.

dog sleepingThat’s the kind of thanks I get around here, if everyone is comfortable that must mean I have done my job well. You are welcome Butler.

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One thought on “The Thanks I Get

  • Maria Locatell

    Or, you just complete wore poor Butler out – that is dog tired 🙂

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