CattleIn the Fields

The Grass Is Not Always Greener

Cows walking rabbit run while mowed field beckons across the fencelineDuring the beginning of our small field harvest, we tempted the cows by walking them down the Rabbit Run to put them across the pasture to the far, far field out of our way. The white tape of the electric fence was all that kept the herd from getting into the rows of drying hay.

Where the old saying belies the belief that grass is always greener on the other side, but in the hay field, in the beginning stages of drying is not greener at all. The smell that comes off the field sure gives that odor of fresh grass but is a misnomer as it gets lighter color as the drying process pulls the moisture from the stems.

cows moving into hayfieldThe electric fence did a fine job keeping the cattle in proper order along the Rabbit Run on the way across. Five days later when we had finished the small field, we adjusted the wires so the herd could come back, but this time it filtered the herd into the completed field where they could take their time to clean up the edges and missed spears from the hay equipment. The cattle were very happy to gain admittance to the field and kicked up their heels and scooted around before settling down to spend the afternoon munching.

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