CattleIn the Fields

The Culprit

Since the twins were born on 3/8, there has been one particular bull calf that menaces the newborns. We first noticed him as the smaller of the twins was trying to stand up, he kept pushing her around and knocking her down. We had to get the brute away from the newborn so we could pick her up and move her into the secure barn. While we did that, the troublemaker went over and did the same thing to the larger of the twins, he just didn’t want to leave them alone. We scooped up that twin and moved him into the barn with his sister, then brought the mother cow into the barn with her calves locking them away from the bullish bull calf.

Cow and newborn walking in field
Innocent looking KAOS as a newborn

By watching which cow accepted him when he wanted to nurse we found out the calf that was picking on the babies was none other than #99’s calf KAOS. We named him that villian name because of the old TV show Get Smart. Since Agent 99 was such an icon, #99’s lineage follows the character names. Over the years she has had a bull named Chief, a heifer named B. Felden, Bo Bridges (this one didn’t fit the profile of Get Smart lineage because he was born under our bridge) and KAOS. This latest calf of #99 is now two months old.

Mugshot of 2 month old KAOS

When Primrose was born a week after the twins, that same bull calf KAOS, moved across the pasture from his own mother just to pick on the newborn. He only does it the first day when the newborns are too unstable to fight back and the mother is still busy trying to get the calf cleaned off and her placenta delivered. He is becoming quite the nuisance.

Black Angus calf
Profile mugshot of culprit KAOS

Now it takes both Mike and I along with the dogs scampering around to keep KAOS from picking on the new babies.

Since I can’t arrest a calf, I figured I’d do the next best thing and expose the brute for what he is to the rest of the world. Dear readers, this bully is really becoming a problem. If you see him doing dastardly deeds, please do not confront him but call Mike directly to correct the situation. This brute is armed with a bad attitude and we need to control the problem, your help is appreciated. End of public service announcement.

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I am so pleased to announce that MaryJane Nordgren has made her new book available to the public! Click here for your copy of Nandria’s War.