In the Woods

The Big And Little Of It

Man cutting wood in log deckIt was a very loud day with equipment of all types running in the landing. Logging dozer, chain saws, small splitter, hydraulic splitter, tractor and the Gator were all taking turns.

While I was busy on my side of the wood deck splitting chunks of 16 inch wood into bundle-able sized pieces. Mike was messing around on the far side of the same deck wrangling the over-sized butt chunks that had been piled up early in the summer. Some of these pieces 12 feet or more in length with a circumference bigger than I am tall.

man cutting on big hunk of woodThe only way the some of the pieces can be moved around is with the logging dozer or the tines on the front of the tractor. Mike whittles them into manageable pieces with his big chainsaw and then splits them with the heavy duty hydraulic wood splitter. As long as the chunks are less than 75 lbs, they will work fine in our outdoor wood-fired boiler that we use to heat the house and domestic hot water.

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One thought on “The Big And Little Of It

  • Bonnie and Bob Shumaker

    I’m glad I’m not the one to heft a 75 pound chunk into the wood-fired boiler early in the morning to heat the house. That sounds like a job for Amazon Susan.

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